Command Line Tutorial

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Command Line Interface (CLI) Tutorial


A command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface used to interact with a computer or software through commands typed into a terminal or console. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using the CLI.

Getting Started

To access the command-line interface:

  1. Open the terminal or command prompt on your computer.
  2. Type the command and press Enter to execute it.

Basic Commands

Here are some basic commands to get you started:

  • pwd - Print the current working directory.
  • ls - List the contents of the current directory.
  • cd - Change directory.
  • mkdir - Create a new directory.
  • touch - Create a new file.

Example Usage

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Type pwd and press Enter. This will display the current working directory.
  3. Type ls and press Enter to list the contents of the current directory.
  4. Type mkdir my_folder and press Enter to create a new directory named "my_folder".
  5. Type cd my_folder and press Enter to change into the new directory.
  6. Type touch my_file.txt and press Enter to create a new file named "my_file.txt".
  7. Type ls and press Enter to verify that the new file was created.


You have now learned the basics of using the command-line interface. With practice, you'll become more comfortable and proficient at using CLI commands to interact with your computer or software.